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  • Samichlaus Classic Dopplebock 750ml

    Samichlaus Classic Dopplebock 750ml

    Samichlaus Classic Doppelbock 750ml Indulge in the legendary craftsmanship of Samichlaus Classic Doppelbock, one of the strongest lagers in the world. Brewed once a year on December 6th - St. Nicholas Day - this iconic beer is carefully aged for 10...

    MSRP: $21.99
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  • Orval Trappist Ale (Belgium) 11.2oz

    Orval Trappist Ale (Belgium) 11.2oz

    Orval Trappist Ale (Belgium) 11.2oz is a legendary beer crafted at the Orval Brewery, one of only a few authentic Trappist breweries in the world. Situated within the historic Orval Abbey in Belgium, the brewery has been producing this iconic ale since...

    MSRP: $8.99
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  • Delirium Noel Strong Dark Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Delirium Noel Strong Dark Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Delirium Noël Strong Dark Ale Delirium Noël Strong Dark Ale is a rich and festive Belgian beer brewed specially for the holiday season. With its deep amber color and complex flavor profile, this strong ale offers warming notes of spice and...

    MSRP: $15.99
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  • Dansk Mjød Odin's Skull Mead 750ml

    Dansk Mjød Odin's Skull Mead 750ml

    Dansk Mjød Odin's Skull Mead 750ml Tasting Notes:Odin's Skull is a robust and flavorful mead made with honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove. It offers a complex and spiced profile with warm, aromatic notes that complement the natural sweetness of...

    MSRP: $31.99
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  • Dansk Mjød Viking Blod Mead 750ml

    Dansk Mjød Viking Blod Mead 750ml

    Dansk Mjød Viking Blod Mead 750ml Tasting Notes:Viking Blod is a unique mead made with hibiscus and hops, giving it a rich, floral character with a hint of spice. The flavor profile is complex, with notes of honey sweetness balanced by the...

    MSRP: $31.99
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  • Side Project Bleu Blueberry Wild Ale 750ml

    Side Project Bleu Blueberry Wild Ale 750ml

    Side Project Bleu Blueberry Wild Ale 750ml Tasting Notes:Side Project Bleu is a wild ale aged with blueberries, offering a vibrant and tart flavor profile. The blueberries provide a rich fruitiness, balanced by the funk and earthiness from wild...

    MSRP: $46.99
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  • Side Project Calamansi Brett Pale Ale 375ml

    Side Project Calamansi Brett Pale Ale 375ml

    Side Project Calamansi Brett Pale Ale 375ml Tasting Notes:Side Project's Calamansi Brett Pale Ale is a unique brew featuring the bright, citrusy flavors of calamansi, a hybrid citrus fruit. The beer is fermented with Brettanomyces, giving it a funky,...

    MSRP: $29.99
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