Product Description
Belvedere 10 Polish Vodka 750ml
Belvedere 10 is an ultra-premium Polish vodka, crafted from 100% organic Dankowskie Diamond Rye and distilled to perfection. Inspired by the original Belvedere recipe from 1910, this vodka undergoes an exclusive single-estate, 10-step production process, ensuring unparalleled smoothness, purity, and character.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Subtle aromas of vanilla, almond, and fresh citrus, with a hint of white pepper
- Palate: Exceptionally smooth and creamy, featuring delicate notes of sweet vanilla, toasted nuts, and a touch of honeyed spice
- Finish: Long and velvety, with lingering warmth and a refined, silky texture
Additional Information:
- ABV: 40% (80 Proof)
- Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.
Serving Suggestions:
- Enjoy Neat or Chilled: Best served straight, over ice, or lightly chilled to appreciate its full depth and smoothness.
- Elevate Classic Cocktails: Perfect for luxury martinis, vodka sodas, or refined craft cocktails.
- Pair with Gourmet Cuisine: Complements caviar, smoked salmon, or artisanal charcuterie for a sophisticated tasting experience.
Product Summary:
Belvedere 10 is a luxurious, ultra-refined Polish vodka, crafted for those who appreciate exceptional purity, craftsmanship, and elegance. Whether sipped neat or in a meticulously crafted cocktail, it delivers an unrivaled vodka experience.