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  • Dios Baco Oloroso Sherry Jerez 750ml

    Dios Baco Oloroso Sherry Jerez 750ml

    Wine Tasting NotesFull-bodied with mahogany color, this Dios Baco Oloroso Sherry Jerez is very rich, medium sweet with aromas of roasted hazel nuts and toffee. It shows nice acidity and finishes very clean, inviting another sip.Alcohol 18%

    MSRP: $29.99
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  • Emilio Hidalgo Gobernador Oloroso Sherry NV 750ml

    Emilio Hidalgo Gobernador Oloroso Sherry NV 750ml

    Wine Tasting NotesThis extremely versatile sherry can do everything from opening a meal to serving as the after-dinner entertainment. The rich mahogany color of Emilio Hidalgo Gobernador Oloroso Sherry gives a hint to this wine's complexity. Made from...

    MSRP: $32.99
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  • Hartley & Gibson Cream Sherry 750ml

    Hartley & Gibson Cream Sherry 750ml

    Wine Tasting NotesHartley & Gibson Cream Sherry exhibits a deep golden hue transitioning to a luxurious brown shade. This full-bodied sherry boasts an aromatic bouquet and offers a delectably smooth and indulgently sweet taste. It is best enjoyed either...

    MSRP: $19.99
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  • Hartley & Gibson Dry Fino Sherry 750ml

    Hartley & Gibson Dry Fino Sherry 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesFlaxen pale to gossamer golden in color, the Hartley & Gibson Dry Fino Sherry ranges from very dry to dry. It features an almond-reminiscent bouquet. While it is delicate...

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  • Christian Brothers California Dry Sherry 750ml

    Christian Brothers California Dry Sherry 750ml

    In the Christian Brothers tradition of quality, these fine wines are fashioned from premium California varietal grapes to produce rich tastes and appealing bouquets. These award-winning wines are crafted in the European tradition and barrel aged in oak...

    MSRP: $22.99
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  • Yuste Aurora Pedro Ximenez Sherry 750ml

    Yuste Aurora Pedro Ximenez Sherry 750ml

    Wine Tasting NotesDessert Yuste Aurora Pedro Ximenez Sherry of exceptionally fine texture and aroma, with silky sweetness that is light on its feet due to long aging in Sanlucar's moderate, humid seaside conditions.

    MSRP: $37.99
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  • Christian Brothers California Cream Sherry 750ml

    Christian Brothers California Cream Sherry 750ml

    For many years, the Christian Brothers Cream Sherry has been a popular alternative to apertifs and after-dinner wines. With its full bodied caramelized character, Cream Sherry makes a wonderful complement to chocolate and sweet desserts, or it can be...

    MSRP: $22.99
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  • Florio Vecchioflorio Marsala Sweet

    Florio Vecchioflorio Marsala Sweet

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesDark amber, with hints of dates and apricots; sweet, full, warm and harmonic with an elegant, dried fruit finish. The Marsala of choice for fish, poultry and meat...

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