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Bar Mixers & Garnishes

  • Q Spectacular Tonic Water 750ml

    Q Spectacular Tonic Water 750ml

    Q Tonic tastes clean and crisp, as tonic water was intended, with a quick sharpness and a gently rounded sweetness. The bottle is perfectly proportioned for one proper drink.Q Tonic is dedicated to making the worlds best tonic water - a clean, crisp,...

    MSRP: $7.99
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  • Finest Call Blue Curacao 1L

    Finest Call Blue Curacao 1L

    Reduce cost without sacrificing flavor with Finest Call Blue Curacao. This natural orange extract has a vivid blue color that makes it a must for blue margaritas.Essentially, Finest Call Blue Curacao is a blue version of our Triple Sec syrup.Excellent...

    MSRP: $8.99
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  • Finest Call Agave Nectar Syrup 1L

    Finest Call Agave Nectar Syrup 1L

    Finest Call Agave Nectar Syrup is made using authentic agave nectar from the Blue Agave plant found in the Jalisco region of Mexico. Use this premium sweetener in your top shelf margaritas and more!

    MSRP: $20.99
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  • Master of Mixes Tom Collins Mixer 1L

    Master of Mixes Tom Collins Mixer 1L

    This classic cocktail is the perfect refreshment on a hot summer day. One sip and you will taste the exquisite citrus blend of Persian and Mexican lime juice and essential oils. California lemon juice and oil is added for an exceptional fresh note that...

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  • Finest Call Bar Syrup 1L

    Finest Call Bar Syrup 1L

    Bar Syrup is a combination of superfine, all-natural sweetener and carbon filtered water. It never crystallizes and adds a bit of sweetness to a multitude of drinks without the bother of cooking and storing your own. The perfect blend of filtered water...

    MSRP: $8.99
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  • Agavales Sangrita 1L

    Agavales Sangrita 1L

    From the family of renowned Agavales Tequila comes tequila's best friend & lifelong partner, Agavales Sangrita! Sangrita is a shooter taken with tequila & a little salt & lime. Our Sangrita recipe dates back all the way to 1950. Characterized by fresh,...

    MSRP: $8.99
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  • Torani Sugar Free Hazelnut Syrup 750ml

    Torani Sugar Free Hazelnut Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Perfectly replicates the rich bouquet and sweet, full flavor that make hazelnuts a culinary favorite, but without the calories. Sweetened with Splenda.

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  • Torani Classic Caramel Syrup 750ml

    Torani Classic Caramel Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Buttery, rich caramel reminiscent of soft caramel chews and sauces. Torani Caramel syrup works well in lattes, mochas, and iced coffees.

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  • Torani Sugar Free Raspberry Syrup 750ml

    Torani Sugar Free Raspberry Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Captures the intensity of fragile clusters of juicy berries, without the calories. Sweetened with Splenda. Torani Sugar Free Raspberry syrup is a classic addition to Italain sodas, iced...

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  • Torani Sugar Free Peach Syrup 750ml

    Torani Sugar Free Peach Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Distinguished by its subtle fragrance and complexity, it has the velvety taste characteristics of ripe peaches without the calories. Sweetened with Splenda. Torani Sugar Free Peach syrup...

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  • Torani Sugar Free French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    Torani Sugar Free French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.The guilt-free flavor conjures up images of decadent, creamy French Vanilla ice cream or rich vanilla custard, but without the calories. Flavored with Splenda. Torani Sugar Free French...

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  • Torani French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    Torani French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.The rich flavor conjures up images of decadent, creamy French Vanilla ice cream or rich vanilla custard. Torani French Vanilla syrup works well in lattes, iced coffees, and teas.

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