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  • Bosteels Tripel Karmeliet 750ml

    Bosteels Tripel Karmeliet 750ml

    Brewery NotesBrewed with oats, barley and wheat, Tripel Karmeliet has soft, full, rich grain character with hints of banana, vanilla, and a slight, pleasing bubble-gum aroma. A restrained hop bitterness offers perfect balance and a gentle counterpart to...

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  • St. Bernardus Tripel Belgian Abbey Ale (Belguim) 750ml

    St. Bernardus Tripel Abbey Ale (Belguim) 750ml

    Brewery NotesSt.Bernardus Tripel is a traditional abbey ale brewed in the classic "Triple" style of Belgium's best Abbey Ales. It has a blond to pale amber color with a wonderful head, slightly sweet aroma and the orangey-grassy flavors of hops in the...

    MSRP: $13.99
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  • Westmalle Trappist Dubbel Ale (Belguim) 11.2oz

    Westmalle Trappist Dubbel Ale (Belguim) 11.2oz

    Brewery NotesWestmalle Dubbel is a dark, reddish-brown Trappist beer with a secondary fermentation in the bottle. The creamy head has the fragrance of special malt and leaves an attractive lace pattern in the glass. The flavor is rich and complex, herby...

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  • Westmalle Trappist Dubbel Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Westmalle Trappist Dubbel Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Brewery NotesWestmalle Dubbel is a dark, reddish-brown Trappist beer with a secondary fermentation in the bottle. The creamy head has the fragrance of special malt and leaves an attractive lace pattern in the glass. The flavor is rich and complex, herby...

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  • Lindemans Pomme Lambic (Belgium) 25oz

    Lindemans Pomme Lambic (Belgium) 25oz

    Smooth, light body with the fresh flavor of real apples and a light green-apple tartness. Apple Lambic. Glowing Gold .Perfect with rich cream sauces, hearty soups, aromatic cheeses and spicy cuisine - supremely refreshing.

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  • Lindemans Apple Lambic (Belgium) 12oz

    Lindemans Apple Lambic (Belgium) 12oz

    Smooth, light body with the fresh flavor of real apples and a light green-apple tartness. Apple Lambic. Glowing Gold .Perfect with rich cream sauces, hearty soups, aromatic cheeses and spicy cuisine - supremely refreshing.

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  • Westmalle Trappist Tripel Ale (Belguim) 11.2oz

    Westmalle Trappist Tripel Ale (Belguim) 11.2oz

    Brewery NotesWestmalle Tripel is a clear, golden yellow Trappist beer that undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle (9,5% alcohol). It is a complex beer with a fruity aroma and a nice nuanced hop scent. It is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a...

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  • Westmalle Trappist Tripel Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Westmalle Trappist Tripel Ale (Belgium) 750ml

    Brewery NotesWestmalle Tripel is a clear, golden yellow Trappist beer that undergoes a secondary fermentation in the bottle (9,5% alcohol). It is a complex beer with a fruity aroma and a nice nuanced hop scent. It is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a...

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  • Piraat Ale 11.2oz (Belgium)

    Piraat Ale 11.2oz (Belgium)

    Piraat is a wickedly rich and rounded brew that packs a mighty punch. The powerful glow builds up from inside. Deep golden with a subtle haze. Lots of hops and malt. Mild sweetness. Reminiscent of bread dough, spices and tropical fruits.10.5% ABV

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