Product Description
Dos Angeles Caidos Blanco Tequila 750ml
Dos Angeles Caidos Blanco Tequila is a pure and unaged 100% Blue Weber Agave tequila, crafted to showcase the vibrant and authentic flavors of Jalisco. Distilled with precision, this crisp and smooth blanco tequila delivers a clean agave-forward profile with notes of citrus, pepper, and herbal undertones. Perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or as the base for premium cocktails, this tequila is a must-try for those who appreciate handcrafted, high-quality spirits.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Fresh roasted agave, citrus zest, and a touch of white pepper
- Palate: Bright lime, sweet agave, and herbal undertones with a silky texture
- Finish: Clean, crisp, and peppery with a refreshing minerality
Additional Information:
- Proof: 80 | ABV: 40%
- Please Note: This item is not shipped in the original packaging.
Serving Suggestions:
- Neat or Chilled: Experience the smooth agave flavors in their purest form.
- On the Rocks: Enhances the complexity while softening the peppery spice.
- Premium Cocktails: Ideal for Margaritas, Palomas, or a Tequila Collins.
- Pair with Mexican Cuisine: Complements tacos, ceviche, and grilled seafood beautifully.
Product Summary:
Dos Angeles Caidos Blanco Tequila is a clean, vibrant, and ultra-smooth tequila that delivers an authentic agave experience. Whether enjoyed straight, over ice, or mixed into craft cocktails, this premium blanco tequila is perfect for any occasion.