Product Description
Dos Angeles Caidos High Proof Blanco Tequila 750ml
Dos Angeles Caidos High Proof Blanco Tequila is a bold and unfiltered expression of pure agave craftsmanship. Distilled from 100% blue Weber agave and bottled at a higher proof, this blanco tequila delivers an intense yet smooth flavor profile with vibrant citrus, pepper, and earthy agave notes. Designed for true tequila enthusiasts, Dos Angeles Caidos offers a powerful and authentic taste of Jalisco's finest tequila tradition.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Fresh roasted agave, bright citrus, and a hint of black pepper
- Palate: Intense agave sweetness with notes of lime zest, herbal undertones, and warm spice
- Finish: Long, crisp, and peppery with a smooth, lingering warmth
Additional Information:
- Proof: 100 | ABV: 50%
- Please Note: This item is not shipped in the original packaging.
Serving Suggestions:
- Neat or Chilled: Experience its bold agave character at full strength.
- On the Rocks: Ice softens the heat while maintaining depth and complexity.
- Premium Cocktails: Elevate classic tequila cocktails like a Spicy Margarita or Paloma.
- Sangrita Pairing: Enjoy the traditional way with a spicy, citrus-based sangrita chaser.
Product Summary:
Dos Angeles Caidos High Proof Blanco Tequila is an unfiltered, high-proof masterpiece for tequila purists. With its robust agave flavor, peppery spice, and smooth finish, this tequila stands out as a bold sipping experience or an elevated cocktail base. A must-have for those who appreciate premium, high-proof spirits.