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Kosher Wines

  • Manischewitz Blackberry Wine Kosher 750ml

    Manischewitz Blackberry Wine Kosher 750ml

    Wine Tasting NotesAll Manischewitz Wines are made and bottled under the strict Rabbinical supervision of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America. All of our fine products carry the mark of quality that signifies adherence to Orthodox Union...

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  • Crater Lake Gluten Free Vodka 750ml

    Crater Lake Gluten Free Vodka 750ml

    If you've been looking where to buy Crater Lake vodka, look no further. Pure Cascade Mountain water sets this vodka apart from the rest. Inspired by Crater Lake's crystal waters, we filter our vodka ten times through charcoal and crushed lava...

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  • Crater Lake Reserve Vodka 750ml

    Crater Lake Reserve Vodka 750ml

    Crater Lake Vodka - crafted with pure Cascade Mountain water and filtered ten times through charcoal and crushed lava rock - produced one of the smoothest vodkas in the world. That was, until Batch No. 333 happened. Mistakenly left to filter over 100...

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  • Crater Lake Pepper Vodka 750ml

    Crater Lake Pepper Vodka 750ml

    From brunch to dusk, Crater Lake Pepper Vodka is up for anything. Infused with five varieties of sweet and spicy peppers - red and yellow bell peppers, anaheim, serrano, and habanero - this vodka brings bold heat and flavor. Consider it your Bloody...

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  • Kikusui Sakamai Junmai Daiginjo Genshu Sake 720ml

    Kikusui Sakamai Junmai Daiginjo Genshu Sake 720ml

    This genshu, or undiluted sake, is extremely rare. It makes the ideal gift for a special person in your life. A Junmai Daiginjo Genshu sake whose deep, sophisticated aromas and mellow rice flavors will waft pleasantly throughout your palate. Enjoy hints...

    MSRP: $87.99
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  • Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai Sake 720ml

    Nanbu Bijin Tokubetsu Junmai Sake 720ml

    Wine Tasting NotesNanbu Bijin's Signature Brand, which uses locally grown Ginotome rice. Highly aromatic, with fruit and grain notes. Neat, clean, and crafted to pair with a wide range of food, excellent at any temperature.Kosher

    MSRP: $30.99
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  • Crater Lake Sweet Ginger Vodka 750ml

    Crater Lake Sweet Ginger Vodka 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Crystallized whole-root ginger gives this vodka a quick zing, followed by a sweetness that leaves a pleasant tingle on the tongue. After crystallizing the ginger with natural cane sugar,...

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  • Vera Wang Party Prosecco DOC NV

    Vera Wang Party Prosecco DOC NV (Italy)

    Vera Wang Party is made from 100% Glera harvested in the province of Vicenza in the Veneto region on norhtern Italy. Appealing aromas of apple and stone fruit. The palate has citrus notes with fresh acidity and finishes soft and fruity.Vera Wang Party...

    MSRP: $26.99
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  • Silent Pool British Gin 750ml

    Silent Pool British Gin 750ml

    Silent Pool British Gin is a classic gin at heart, full bodied and fresh with depth, clarity and flavor. A rich and clean juniper-driven spirit, Silent Pool Gin is produced using 24 botanicals and the cool, clear spring-water from the Silent Pool itself...

    MSRP: $63.99
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